Why do I support Zephyr Teachout for NYS Governor? As a volunteer on the Town of New Paltz Planning Board and the New Paltz Board of Education, I find it unacceptable when 1) real estate developers seek to impact policy via access, influence or campaign contributions and 2) for-profit testing, curriculum and text book companies try to dictate public school policies.
Zephyr is a constitutional and property law professor at Fordham Law School known for her efforts to limit the influence of money on politics. Her arguments were cited in the Citizens United case by Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Her friends describe her as incredibly smart yet still humble and she “reads the Constitution with the care you’d give a love letter.”
Registered Democrats, please support Zephyr Teachout for NYS Governor in the Democratic Party primary on September 9, 2014.
Tim Rogers (Individual Capacity Only)
New Paltz