Tim Rogers has the skills, leadership, and drive that it takes to be Mayor of the Village of New Paltz. I have been fortunate to work with Tim for two years on the Board of Education as well as on the Legislative Action Committee and Audit Committee. He has time and again proven himself to be a hard working team player that comes to the table well prepared.
It takes a lot of diligence and perseverance to work on the Board of Education because of the diversity of the members – getting to consensus is often a long, difficult, and frustrating road. There were many issues that Tim helped move forward, and he did it by using his strong background in Finance coupled with his research skills and tenacity. As an example, when the topic of the Park Point PILOT first surfaced on the radar of the Board of Education there was a lot of internal opposition. It was not considered something that impacted the school district. Tim Rogers persistently and patiently helped us understand just how significantly it did affect the district. With his research, we crafted two resolutions and a position statement about PILOTs. He applies his keen research skills and financial acumen to every topic in front of the board – whether it is school lunch, education policy, or natural gas conversion on the boilers, I can count on Tim to have documentation and evidence to back up his thought process. There have been many times that we have not been on the same side of a topic, but we have been able to get to a place of consensus allowing us to move forward on issues. This is a rare skill-set that is very much needed in government. As his colleague, I appreciate that he doesn’t come to the table with empty rhetoric. As an Esopus resident, I can’t vote in the Village election, but, if I could, I wouldn’t hesitate to vote for Tim Rogers on May 5, 2015.
Ruth Quinn