Letter of Support: Dominick Profaci

11018870_10205728598031933_8724144328167883406_oComing up very shortly in May, the Village of New Paltz residents will have the opportunity to vote for whom they would like to represent them in their community as Mayor. As I am not a Village resident, I can not vote in this election; but I would highly recommend you vote for Tim Rogers. I have known and worked with Tim on school board for the past two years. When Tim was first elected, I have to be honest, I was concerned about how seemingly one point of view focused I thought he was. I was concerned he may have “an agenda”, as is so common for elected officials. What I have found, however, over our time serving together, is that he has a great ability to listen to multiple points of view, assess them for their validity, and make rational decisions based on the data provided; without bias.

When working with a group of six other people with potentially very varied ideas and points of view, it is very important to be able to listen. The old adage is that we have two ears and one mouth and we should listen much more than we speak. Tim has this skill. I have been greatly impressed by his ability to really get to the heart of the issues. He has always done his due diligence and does not come to any conclusions haphazardly. He is highly intelligent and tireless in assimilating all the data, from all perspectives, in order to come to an informed decision.

This skill set would serve Tim, as well as the Village of New Paltz community, very well as Mayor. I truly believe his aspirations are purely about doing what is right for the community. He has proven this to me in his actions on school board. His focus has always been about making decisions based on what he feels is in the best interest of the broader community, for which we serve. I feel quite confident that Tim would bring this same focus to the Village.

With all this said, I would highly recommend that you get out and vote this May for Tim Rogers for Mayor. He is a dedicated individual that will work hard for your best interests today and into the future. I feel the Village of New Paltz would be very fortunate to have Tim representing them and working for the continued betterment of their community.

Dominick Profaci

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