We are writing to express our support for Tim Rogers for Mayor of New Paltz. We have arrived at this endorsement through our experience of Tim as a solid and valuable member of the Board of Education, the Planning Board as well as a close friend. The village would thrive under a diligent, committed, professional, and steady leader who will dedicate countless hours examining and prioritizing how to make the best use of our limited resources.
As many of you know, Tim is a loyal, longtime New Paltz resident who grew up here, attended the New Paltz schools and chose to return here as an established professional and dedicated father. He has a graduate degree in finance from NYU and uses those skills to evaluate the fiscal health of the New Paltz Central School District as well as the village and town government.
Successful mayors not only have broad visions but also are tireless workers. Tim is very thorough and holds himself and all public servants to a high ethical standard. New Paltz residents deserve and need professionalism, maturity, commitment, and expertise. Village and town politics have for too long been mired in toxic dysfunction. We are fortunate that Tim has chosen to enter the race. While we are a stone’s throw from the village line and hence are not eligible to vote in the mayor’s race, we encourage all village residents to vote for Tim Rogers.
Daniel and Doree Lipson
New Paltz