We have appealed to the Village of New Paltz Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) the validity and legality of Certificates of Compliance and Occupancy issued by the Village Building Inspector for the housing development at 2 Mohonk Avenue. We believe the certificates pursuant to the development’s building permits were issued in violation of Village code and are therefore invalid. There appear to be numerous procedural and code violations in the design and execution resulting in a project completed in violation of law. Development of properties in a matter that is uniformly consistent with Village code is imperative to protect and preserve quality of life for existing neighborhoods and property values.
Our appeal before the ZBA will take place on Tuesday, October 14 at Village Hall at 7:00pm. The Planning and Zoning secretary has explained “this ZBA has never reviewed an application of interpretation” like our appeal. Neither the ZBA nor the Village Planning Board have previously reviewed the 2 Mohonk project. The development came after its developer filed a petition against, and subsequently settled with, the Village Building Inspector and members of the Village Board in 2013.
Theresa Fall, Tim Rogers & Terence Dungan